97th Congress (1981-1983)

President: Ronald Reagan (R-CA)

House Majority Party: Democrat

House Majority Seats: 243 out of 435

House Speaker: Rep. Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill (D-MA)


Vice President: George H.W. Bush (R-TX)

Senate Majority Party: Republican

Senate Majority Seats: 53 out of 100

Senate Majority Leader: Sen. Howard H. Baker, Jr. (R-TN)


"I increasingly believe that the essence of leadership, the essence of good Senate service, is the ability to be an eloquent listener, to hear and understand what your colleagues have to say, what your party has to say, what the country has to say ... and try to translate that into effective policy." - Sen. Howard Baker (R-TN) (above), quoted in the Atlantic.


Debt Limit Increase

Oil Industry Antitrust Exemption

Milk Price Supports

Supplemental Appropriations and Recission Act, 1981

Supplemental Appropriations for the Department of Health and Human Services FY1981

Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981

Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981

Fiscal 1981 Supplemental Defense Authorization

Fiscal 1982 Continuing Appropriations

Veterans' Health Care, Training, and Small Business Loan Act of 1981

Further Continuing Appropriations Act FY 1982, Part 1

Energy and Water Development Appropriations, Fiscal 1982

District of Columbia Appropriation Act, 1982

Further Continuing Appropriations Act FY 1982, Part 2

Agriculture and Food Act of 1981

Department of Interior and Related Appropriations Act for FY 1982

HUD and Independent Agencies Appropriation Act for FY 1982

Department of Transportation and Related Appropriations Act for FY 1982

Department of Agriculture and Related Appropriations Act for FY 1982

Military Construction Appropriation Act, 1982

International Security and Development Cooperation Act of 1981

Department of Defense Appropriation Act, 1982

Foreign Aid Appropriations, Fiscal 1982

Social Security Act Amendments of 1981

Export Administration Amendments Act of 1981

Department of Agriculture Supplemental Appropriations Act FY 1982

Department of Labor Supplemental Appropriations Act FY 1982

Further Continuing Appropriations for FY 1982, Part 3

Federal Courts Improvement Act of 1982

Voting Rights Act Amendments of 1982 Prompt Sheet

Supplemental Appropriations Act for FY 1982

Tobacco Program Revisions

Small Business Innovation Development Act of 1982

Patent and Trademark Office Authorization


Enactments (cont):

Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982

Department of Defense Authorization Act, 1983

Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1982

Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1982

Bus Regulatory Reform Act of 1982

Railway Labor-Management Dispute

HUD and Independent Agencies Appropriation Act for FY 1983

Continuing Appropriations Act FY 1983

Reclamation Law Amendments

Job Training Partnership Act of 1982

Garn-St Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982

Military Construction Appropriation Act, 1983

Department of Transportation and Related Appropriations Act for FY 1983

Department of Agriculture and Related Appropriations Act for FY 1983

Continuing Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1983 (Boland Amendments)

District of Columbia Appropriation Act of 1983

Department of Interior and Related Appropriations Act for FY 1983

Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982

Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982

Outside Income of Senators

House Earned Income Limit

Contempt of Congress Proceedings Against Anne M. Gorsuch

Treasury Appropriations FY 1982

Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations, Fiscal 1982.

Fair Practices in Automotive Products Act

Nuclear Arms Freeze

Congressional Budget FY 1982

Disapproving AWACs Sale.

Justice Department Authorization

Balanced Budget/Tax Limitation Amendment

First Budget Resolution, Fiscal 1983