"When you expect to vote wrong; do not make a speech about it." - Senator Alva Blanchard Adams (D-CO) (above), quoting former Senator Claude Swanson (D-VA)
77th Congress (1941-1943)
President: Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D-NY)
House Majority Party: Democrat
House Majority Seats: 267 out of 435
House Speaker: Rep. Sam Rayburn (D-TX)
Excess Profits Tax
Corn and Wheat Quotas
Agriculture Appropriations Act of 1941
Legislative Appropriations Act of 1941
Selective Service Extension
Revenue Act 1941
Neutrality Repeal
Defense Highway Act
War with Japan
War with Germany
War with Italy
1st War Powers Act
Draft Act
Vice President: Henry Wallace (D-IA)
Senate Majority Party: Democrat
Senate Majority Seats: 66 out of 96
Senate Majority Floor Leader: Sen. Alben Barkley (D-KY)
Enactments (cont):
Thanksgiving Holiday
Price Control
2nd War Powers Act
Women's Auxiliary Army Corps
War with Bulgaria
War with Hungary
War with Rumania
Legislative Appropriations Act of 1942
Agriculture Appropriations Act of 1942
Women Accepted for Volunteer Service
Stabilization Act of 1942
Revenue Act 1942
18 Year Old Draft