"We have been told here that we ought to balance the budget. It has become a sort of shibboleth, a sacred slogan in the last few weeks. Although, for 150 years as a nation, we did without a budget and did not know what a budget was, no that we have one we do not know what to do with. We can not balance it and we can not leave it unbalanced." - Senator Alben Barkley (D-KY) (above)
74th Congress (1935-1937)
President: Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D-NY)
House Majority Party: Democrat
House Majority Seats: 322 out of 435
House Speaker: Rep. Joseph W. Byrns (D-TN)
Farmer Loan Act
Soil Conservation
Agriculture Appropriations Act of 1935
Legislative Branch Appropriations Act of 1935
Motor Carrier Act
Supplemental Appropriations Act
Banking Act 1935
Public Utility Act
Farm Mortgage Moratorium Act
Railroad Retirement Act
Bituminous Coal Conservation Act
Vice President: John Nance Garner (D-TX)
Senate Majority Party: Democrat
Senate Majority Seats: 70 out of 96
Senate Majority Floor Leader: Sen. Joseph T. Robinson (D-AR)
Enactments (cont):
Revenue Act 1935
Rivers and Harbors Act
Adjusted Compensation Payment Act
Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment
Rural Electrification
Robinson-Patman Act
Flood Control
Revenue Act 1936
Virgin Islands Organic Act
Merchant Marine Act of 1936
Walsh-Healey Government Contracts Act
Emergency Relief Appropriation Act
Neutrality Resolution
Resolution Extension