Above: Rep. William Rucker (D-MO), sponsor of the 17th Amendment.

62nd Congress (1911-1913)

President: William Howard Taft (R-OH)

House Majority Party: Democrat

House Majority Seats: 230 out of 394

House Speaker: Rep. James Beauchamp ("Champ) Clark (D-MO)



Vice President: James S. Sherman (R-NY)

Senate Majority Party: Republican 

Senate Majority Seats: 52 out of 96

Senate Majority Leader: (none)


Canada Reciprocity Act

Electoral Reform Act of 1911

Children's Bureau Established

Matchstick Act

Pension Act of 1912

Eight-Hour Workday for Federal Contractors

Agriculture Appropriations Act of 1912

Rename Public Health Service

Legislative, Executive and Judicial Appropriations Act of 1912


Enactments (cont):

Sundry Appropriations Act of 1912

Alaska Organic Act

Lloyd La Follette Act (Postal Employment)

Panama-Canal Act

Webb-Kenyon Act

Physical Valuation Act

Department of Labor Established

AZ, NM Admitted

17th Amendment