Above: House Majority Leader Sereno E. Payne (R-NY).

61st Congress (1909-1911)

President: William Howard Taft (R-OH)

House Majority Party: Republican

House Majority Seats: 219 out of 391

House Speaker: Rep. Joseph Gurney Cannon (R-IL)



Vice President: James S. Sherman (R-NY)

Senate Majority Party: Republican 

Senate Majority Seats: 60 out of 92

Senate Majority Leader: (none)


Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act of 1909

Immigration Act of 1910

Bureau of Mines Act

Agriculture Appropriations Act of 1910

Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Appropriations Act of 1910

Mann-Elkins Act

AZ, NM Enabling Act

Rivers and Harbors Act of 1910

Civil Expense Act of 1910

16th Amendment


Enactments (cont):

Postal Savings Act of 1910

Publicity Act of 1910

Mann Act

Reimbursement Act

Public Land Withdrawal Act

Expedition Act of 1910

Weeks Forest Purchase Act

Currency Act of 1911

Judiciary Code Act of 1911

Agriculture Appropriations Act of 1911