60th Congress (1907-1909)
Employer's Liability Act of 1908
Indian Department Appropriations
Navy Appropriations Bill
Agriculture Appropriations Act of 1908
DC Child Labor Law
Currency Bill (Aldrich-Vreeland)
Workman's Comp Act of 1908
Opium Exclusion Act of 1909
Enlarged Homestead Act
Correcting Records of NCO's
Legislative, Executive and Judicial Appropriations Act of 1909
Agriculture Appropriations Act of 1909
Copyright Act
Criminal Code Revision of 1909
Above: Senator Nelson Aldrich (R-RI), sponsor of the Aldrich-Vreeland Currency Act.
60th Congress (1907-1909)
President: Theodore Roosevelt (R-NY)
House Majority Party: Republican
House Majority Seats: 223 out of 391
House Speaker: Rep. Joseph Gurney Cannon (R-IL)
Vice President: Charles Fairbanks (R-IN)
Senate Majority Party: Republican
Senate Majority Seats: 61 out of 92
Senate Majority Leader: (none)