"You might as well try to repair a B-29 with an old-fashioned monkey wrench as to do the job Congress faces today with its present tools." - Rep. Mike Monroney (D-OK) (above), co-sponsor of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1945.
79th Congress (1945-1947)
President: Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D-NY) /
Harry S. Truman (D-MO)
House Majority Party: Democrat
House Majority Seats: 244 out of 435
House Speaker: Rep. Sam Rayburn (D-TX)
McCarran-Ferguson Act
Agriculture Appropriations Act of 1945
Legislative Branch Appropriations Act of 1945
Emergency Price Control Act Extension
Presidential Tariff Powers Extension
Bretton Woods Agreement Act
Export-Import Bank Act of 1945
Revenue Act 1945
Corporation Control Act
Government Reorganization Act of 1945
U.S. Participation in the United Nations
War Brides Act
Filipino Rescission Act of 1946
Employment Act of 1946
Federal Airport Act
Federal Employees Salary Raise
National School Lunch Act of 1946 | Full History
Vice President: Harry S. Truman (D-MO) /
Senate Majority Party: Democrat
Senate Majority Seats: 57 out of 96
Senate Majority Floor Leader: Sen. Alben Barkley (D-KY)
Enactments (cont):
Agriculture Appropriations Act of 1946
Alien Fiance Law
Hobbs Anti-Racketeering Act
Lanham Act (Trademark Act of 1946)
British Loan Act
Fulbright Scholars Act
Atomic Energy Act
Legislative Reorganization Act of 1945
Social Security Act Amendments
Foreign Service Act of 1946
Hill-Burton Hospital Survey and Construction Act
Indian Claims Commission Act
Farmers Home Administration Act of 1946
Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act